About Us

Who are we?

The Powwow Pond is a 285 acre water body in Southern New Hampshire and is part of the Merrimack River Watershed.

Powwow Pond Map

The Powwow Pond Council, Inc. was organized in January 2007 as a New Hampshire Not for Profit Corporation which is publicly supported and exempt from tax under Sec 501(c))(3) of the Internal Revenue Service tax code.

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Our Mission:

Our mission is to conserve and protect the Powwow Pond and shoreline.  We serve to educate residents and visitors about the responsible management of our natural resources.


Our Vision:

Our vision is of a sustainable ecosystem for the habitat of native aquatic and non-aquatic organisms and for recreational purposes with a management plan that can be sustained for future generations.

It is our belief that this goal can be accomplished by means of:

  • Removing/controlling exotic plant species
  • Preventing the introduction of non-native/exotic species
  • Managing and conserving native plant, vertebrate and invertebrate species
  • Educating  people regarding responsible recreation
  • Meet with other pond councils, state and local biologists and other experts to create a watershed association to more effectively use our resources/funding in the conservation efforts
  • Educate local residents regarding the importance of creating a management plan for the area resources that will continue for generations

By working closely and cooperatively with our members, the community at-large and state and local government agencies, our vision can be realized.